As a human performance optimization company specializing in small arms simulation, Conflict Kinetics’ Synthetic Marksmanship Training Systems™, or SMTS™, is designed to deliver a dynamic synthetic training experience that seamlessly collects and processes a wide variety of customizable performance & biometric data through the Holistic Human Dashboard for individuals or groups, and even provides After Action Reports for all performance data.

With the capability to provide human factors and product testing & evaluation in numerous areas of combat, the Holistic Human Dashboard efficiently processes critical analytics to perform the trend analysis needed to continually hone the program and maintain optimal levels of battle readiness and survivability by enhancing cognitive agility, sports vision, situational awareness, decision making, central nervous system reaction, and talent management.

The Holistic Human Dashboard and its associated systems are built on a database SQL server and offers an SDK connection for biometric monitors or sensors, any game engine, and AR/VR/MR, which are interoperable and designed to be sensor agnostic – enabling new technologies and track to the 1-2 millisecond.

Through this innovative and technological-based training, data from an individual or group of trainees can be pulled directly from individual SMTS™ and presented in customizable formats which are securely aggregated and processed for use in planning, quality control, qualifications, and testing & evaluation.

CK’s Holistic Human Dashboard’s advanced analytics focuses on patented human performance optimization training techniques and delivers warfighters the training experience needed to maintain readiness and survivability.