Welcome to the Conflict Kinetics International page

Conflict Kinetics (CK) is the industry innovator in patented human performance optimization – specializing in small arms simulation and featuring in-depth data collection capabilities for the life of the trainee via our Holistic Human Dashboard. Rooted in decades of pro-sports human performance optimization techniques, CK delivers extensive readiness and talent management data processes. We have proven past performance as a unique solution provider for building individual, squad, team, and platoon level capability in readiness, lethality, survivability, decision-making under stress, and situational awareness. CK also allows for the rapid adaptation of specific customer training goals into CK’s continually evolving synthetic POI leading towards the cognitive and physical mastery of one’s environment and weapon system.

On this page, we outline our services and concisely explain why Conflict Kinetics is the industry leader in gunfighter training, and how its patented training program & technology exponentially surpasses traditional gunfighter training methods.

We are grateful for your interest in learning more about us and please contact us for any additional questions or concerns.

Systems & Capabilities:

Synthetic Marksmanship Training Systems™

Our Synthetic Marksmanship Training Systems™ (SMTS™) focuses on executing customized Programs of Instruction (POIs) with purpose-built drills and escalating difficulty that lead to the cognitive and physical mastery of one’s environment and weapon system.

The SMTS™ program’s electronic, dynamic training algorithms are designed to contain life-like targets with added behaviors such interactivity, immediate response, movement, timing, variable hit reactions & more. This dynamic element of the SMTS™, along with CK’s immense and innovative training program, prepare trainees to pass qualifications at a higher rate and in less time than any other electronic gunfighter training system or advanced live-fire training.

All drills have been built and continue to be refined onsite with the help of experienced, professional operators for over a decade. All training content is customizable and nearly any qualification or training objective can be built directly into the SMTS™.


The FlatWall™ is comprised of a single panel that can support one to five (1-5) trainees and fifteen (15) in rotation.
The FlatWall™ is ideal for training shooter fundamentals and serves as an introduction to the Gunfighter Gym™ experience.
This SMTS™ specializes in the following learning objectives:

  • Firing Position Series
  • Basic Marksmanship
  • Dry Fire – Shooter Mechanics
  • Tactically Move and Shoot / Barricades
  • Shoot-Don’t Shoot / Threat Identification
  • Human Performance / Physical Training Engagement
  • Cognitive Development


The TeamTrainer™ is comprised of three panels that support one to fifteen (1-15) trainees simultaneously and forty-five (45) trainees on rotation.
The TeamTrainer™ is better suited for training with larger groups of trainees and allows for conducting more advanced drills.

This SMTS™ specializes in the following learning objectives:

  • Basic and Advanced Marksmanship
  • SOP Development
  • Rapid Target Engagement
  • Scenario Based Training
  • Language
  • Firing Line for Shooter Mechanics
  • Crew Served Mechanics / Marksmanship
  • All FlatWall™ learning objectives

Pan220™/Pan220™ Flex

The Pan220™/Pan220™ Flex are comprised of five (5) panels that can support one to five (1-5) trainees in an immersed environment and can also support up to fifteen (15) trainees simultaneously and forty-five (45) trainees on rotation.

Drills in this SMTS™ are run in short, fast-paced intervals – incorporated with a wide variety of both physical and cognitive challenges in the 220-degree, immersive environment (Immersive Configuration) or in a more traditional flat-range style arrangement (Flat Range Configuration).

This SMTS™ specializes in the following learning objectives:

  • Over 2,800 Drills Vetted by the DoD’s Tier 1 Elements and SOP’s
  • Shoot-Don’t Shoot / Threat Identification
  • Cognitive & Ocular Development
  • Human Performance / Physical Training
  • Full Room Entry
  • Situational Awareness
  • Scenario Based Training

220-Degree Immersive Configuration Learning Objectives:

  • Full Room Entry CQB/CQC
  • Peripheral Decision Making
  • 220-Degree Adverse Angle Engagement
  • Quick Twitch Target Identification
  • Crew Served Mechanics / Marksmanship

Traditional Flat Range Configuration Learning Objectives:

  • 1-45 Trainees
  • Basic and Advanced Marksmanship
  • Target Engagements and Transition
  • SOP Development
  • T Intersection, LZ, Open Field, and Urban Street Training
  • Runners and Various Leads on Targets Per Distance
  • Shooting-on-the-Move
  • Bounding & Moving to Cover
  • Tactically Move & Shoot / Barricades
  • Firing Line for Shooter Mechanics


Designed to promote smooth pursuit ocular capabilities, the K-SET™ reduces visual suppression by training smooth eye tracking across a known distance and training eye muscles to perform at higher speeds while taking in more information in less time.
Stationary system specializing in Sports Vision Training (Tracking and Measuring Ocular Capability)


The RSMR™ is an active rest station focused on increasing mental processing speed and perceptual acuity and decreasing decision latency – thus giving the operator a decision advantage.
Stationary system specializing in Neuro-Motor Response (Measuring Decision Latency)

Gunfighter Gym™

The Gunfighter Gym™ configuration is a series of human performance systems arranged to deliver a circuit training approach that lead to mastery of desired skills through short, detailed exposures of each critical piece of the overarching task.
The Gunfighter Gym™ consists of CK’s FlatWall™, TeamTrainer™, Pan220™, K-SET™, and RSMR™, and can support as many as 45 trainees in rotation.
The Gunfighter Gym™ specializes in the following learning objectives:

  • Basic & Advanced Marksmanship
  • Full Room Entry Escalating Programs
  • Target Engagements and Transition
  • Threat / Threat Discrimination
  • Tactical Combat Movements
  • SOP Development
  • 360° Threat / Non-Threat
  • Force-on-Force / Combatives
  • Mechanical Breaching
  • Core Competency
  • Scenario Based Training
  • Human Performance / Weaponized PT
  • Crew Served Mechanics / Marksmanship
  • Shooting-on-the-Move / Barricades
  • Cognitive Development

Place FlatWall video here

List of Benefits/Studies:

CK’s patented training program has been proven to produce and maintain operators with optimal levels in readiness and survivability in congruence with your training specifications. *
*The United States Marine Corps’ Marine Corps Operational Test & Evaluation Activity (MCOTEA), an echelon 1 testing and evaluation authority, assessment of CK’s training program found that CK’s training methods produce trainees capable of handling increased cognitive load and emotional modulation, thus delivering trainees 116% more lethal than advanced live-fire training.
Benefits of Synthetic Training with CK:

  • Dynamic Shoot, Move & Communicate Drills
  • Savings on Live Fire – Time, Ammo, Qual, Remediation, Maximizes Training Time, etc.
  • Patented Human Performance Programs of Instruction
  • Eliminates Lost Training Time
  • Trains Weapon Safety
  • Big-DATA (Performance & Biometrics)
  • Meets Legally Mandated Lead Safety Requirements

Capability Multiplier:

  • Marksmanship Fundamentals
  • Guaranteed First Time Qualification
  • Shoot/Don’t Shoot – Customizable to your ROE
  • Lethality Training & Scoring
  • Shooter Mechanics
  • Gear Set Up/Management
  • Barricades and Position Shooting
  • Shooting-on-the-Move
  • Cognitive Agility
  • Combatives and Assaults
  • Individuals up to 120 Trainees/day
  • Tactical Room Entry/Decision Making
  • Crew Served Weapons

CK programs are proven to deliver increased shooter confidence, resiliency, target acquisition, and reaction time in dynamic high-stress situations. *
CK programs are high-velocity learning evolutions designed to improve decision making and situational awareness.

*Results based on a 2021 MCOTEA Assessment Report on CK’s training program. Please submit request for full report.

List of Certificates/Awards from Services:


What makes CK different from other virtual firearms training simulations?
Does CK support customized training programs?
Does CK offer Action After Reports?
How do CK’s synthetic firearms function?
Has CK supported international clients in the past?
